Weather Forecast for Friday
Dry weather with cool nights is expected in southern, southeastern and low lying areas while cold situation in central / northern, upper parts/hilly areas ,Gusty and dust/sand raising northwesterly winds are likely in central/northern hilly areas up to noon- afternoon then partly cloudy with gentle breeze.
Weather Forecast for Saturday
Dry /partly cloudy weather with cool nights is expected in southern, southeastern and low lying areas while cold situation in central / northern, upper parts/hilly areas.
Last 24 Hours Weather
Lowest /Highest temperatures(°C) recorded in Quetta Kalat (-01.0/13.0) City (02.5/16.0) (Sariab ( 03.0/14.0),RMC (03.0/16.8) Samungli (03.5/13.5) , Zhob (06.5/19.0) Nokkundi (06.5/23.5), Dalbandin (08.0/23.5), Panjgur (09.0/23.5),Barkhan (11.5/23.0) ,Khuzdar (12.0/26.5) Ormara (14.0/32.5),Pasni (14.5/33.0) ( Sibbi 15.0/34.0) Lasbella (15.5/34.5) Jiwani (16.0/31.5),Turbat (18.8/32.5), and .Gwadar (19.0/31.5)
Station | 27-03-2025 (Updated at 1700 PST) |
28-03-2025 (Updated at 0800 PST) |
MaxTemp(°C) | RH(%) | MinTemp(°C) | RH(%) | Rain(mm) | |
41685-BAR KHAN |
23.0 | 04 | 11.5 | 15 | -- |
41712-DAL BANDIN |
23.5 | 15 | 08.0 | 27 | -- |
41757-GAWADAR |
31.5 | 17 | 19.0 | 23 | -- |
41756-JIWANI |
31.5 | 26 | 16.0 | 55 | -- |
41696-KALAT |
13.0 | 37 | -01.0 | 41 | -- |
41744-KHUZDAR |
26.5 | 25 | 12.0 | 41 | -- |
41742-LASBELLA |
34.5 | 07 | 15.5 | 30 | -- |
41710-NOKKUNDI |
23.5 | 09 | 06.5 | 21 | -- |
41760-ORMARA |
32.5 | 40 | 14.0 | 56 | -- |
41739-PANJGUR |
23.5 | 22 | 09.0 | 54 | -- |
41759-PASNI |
33.0 | 34 | 14.5 | 41 | -- |
41661-QUETTA |
16.0 | 19 | 02.5 | 30 | -- |
41660-SAMUNGLI |
13.5 | 16 | 03.5 | 26 | -- |
41697-SIBBI |
34.0 | 24 | 15.0 | 23 | -- |
41738-TURBAT |
32.5 | 03 | 18.8 | 14 | -- |
41620-ZHOB |
19.0 | 18 | 06.5 | 39 | -- |
Station | 27-03-2025 (Updated at 1700 PST) |
28-03-2025 (Updated at 0800 PST) |
MaxTemp(°C) | RH(%) | MinTemp(°C) | RH(%) | Rain(mm) | |
Chaman |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Dalbandin |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Kharan |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Loralai |
21.2 | 26.1 | 8.4 | 27.2 | -- |
Mastung |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Muslim Bagh |
14.4 | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Pishin |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Quetta |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Ziarat |
9.8 | 42.9 | -0.4 | 22.9 | -- |