Weather Forecast for Thursday
Mainly cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of the province. Whereas, partly cloudy to cloudy weather is expected in Northern and Central districts. However light rain/drizzle along with gusty winds may occur at few places in Chagai district.
Weather Forecast for Friday
Mainly cold and dry with partly cloudy conditions is expected in most parts of the province. Whereas isolated light rain/drizzle may occur at Washuk, Chagai, Surab, Naushki, including its surroundings
Last 24 Hours Weather
Lowest/Highest temperatures(°C) recorded in Kalat (-6.0/13.0), Quetta ((City (-05.5/15.5), Samungli (-3.0/13.5), RMC (-3.0/14.4), ,Sariab (-2.0/15.0)), Zhob(-1.0/16.0), Khuzdar (03.0/19.0), Panjgur(03.5/24.0), Dalbandin (04.0/20.5), Barkhan (04.0/19.0), Nokkundi (06.0/21.0), Sibbi (06.5/27.5), Lasbella (06.5/30.0), Ormara (08.0/25.0), Pasni (09.0/25.0), Turbat (09.5/30.0), Gwadar (10.0/26.0) and Jiwani (12.0/25.0).
Station | 06-02-2025 (Updated at 1700 PST) |
06-02-2025 (Updated at 0800 PST) |
MaxTemp(°C) | RH(%) | MinTemp(°C) | RH(%) | Rain(mm) | |
41685-BAR KHAN |
19.0 | 05 | 04.0 | DNR | -- |
41712-DAL BANDIN |
20.5 | 12 | 04.0 | 63 | -- |
41757-GAWADAR |
26.0 | 24 | 10.0 | 81 | -- |
41756-JIWANI |
25.0 | 40 | 12.0 | 69 | -- |
41696-KALAT |
13.0 | 24 | -06.0 | 68 | -- |
41744-KHUZDAR |
19.0 | 34 | 03.0 | 57 | -- |
41742-LASBELLA |
30.0 | 9 | 06.5 | 57 | -- |
41710-NOKKUNDI |
21.0 | 07 | 06.0 | DNR | -- |
41760-ORMARA |
25.0 | 49 | 08.0 | 61 | -- |
41739-PANJGUR |
24.0 | 47 | 03.5 | 63 | -- |
41759-PASNI |
25.0 | 31 | 09.0 | 69 | -- |
41661-QUETTA |
15.5 | 19 | -05.5 | 67 | -- |
41660-SAMUNGLI |
13.5 | 12 | -03.0 | 45 | -- |
41697-SIBBI |
27.5 | 16 | 06.5 | 72 | -- |
41738-TURBAT |
30.0 | 09 | 09.5 | DNR | -- |
41620-ZHOB |
16.0 | 10 | -01.0 | 64 | -- |
Station | 06-02-2025 (Updated at 1700 PST) |
06-02-2025 (Updated at 0800 PST) |
MaxTemp(°C) | RH(%) | MinTemp(°C) | RH(%) | Rain(mm) | |
Chaman |
14.8 | 19.7 | 2.5 | DNR | -- |
Dalbandin |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Kharan |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Loralai |
16 | 24.6 | 1.4 | 46.4 | -- |
Mastung |
-35.2 | 28.7 | -39.5 | DNR | -- |
Muslim Bagh |
-1.7 | DNR | -2 | DNR | -- |
Pishin |
14 | 29.1 | -3 | 74.8 | -- |
Quetta |
DNR | DNR | DNR | DNR | -- |
Ziarat |
9.9 | 31.2 | -7.1 | 38.9 | -- |